SBTM Privacy Policy

일반 개인정보 수집
General Privacy Collection
Name, Phone, E-mail etc
※ Check the personal information processing policy for details
고유식별정보 수집
Collecting unique identification information
Passport Number
개인정보 처리 목적
Purpose of Personal Information Processing
Member management, Business trip reservation etc
※ Check the personal information processing policy for details
개인정보 보유기간
Personal information retention period
Sign in, Information of reservation :
Delete when withdrawing from membership
※ Where preservation is required in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, follow the contents
개인정보 파기
Delete personal information
Collection and use of personal information
Delete when achieving the purpose
※ Check the personal information processing policy for details
개인정보 제공·위탁
Entrustment of personal information provision

[Providing personal information]

Jin Air, The Shilla,
Samsung Capital etc

[Entrustment of personal information]

Hotel Shilla, AH Global,
KG inicis etc

개인정보 국외이전
Transfer of personal information abroad
Samsung Hospitality America Inc, Samsung Hospitality U.K inc etc
※ Check the personal information processing policy for details
고충사항 처리부서
Complaint Handling Department

[Manager of Personal Information Protection ]

  • -affiliation: SBTM
  • -hp: 02-6048-8606
  • e-mail:
1. Scope

SBTM's SRS service provides you with a booking experience where you can instantly reserve flights, hotels and rental cars that you are sure to need on your business travel to ensure greater convenience and time-saving. With respect to the delivery of the service, we work to protect your personal data we collect with your consent and ensure that proper measures are taken to protect your rights. We also have a privacy policy in place to ensure that you have full knowledge of where and how your personal data is used and what measures we take to keep it confidential. SRS service is available in Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Middle East, China and other regions and fully complies with all local privacy-related laws. Our privacy policy is subject to change for improvements. Any changes to it will be notified to you in an easy-to-understand manner. Our privacy policy includes the following provisions.

  1. Scope
  2. Scope of Collection and Use
  3. Retention and Destruction of Personal Data
  4. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data
  5. Use of Contractors and Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data
  6. Your Rights and How to Exercise Them
  7. Provisions on Children
  8. Automatic Processing of Personal Data
  9. Technical and Organizational Measures to Protect Personal Data
  10. frontPrivacy9.section1.msg10
  11. Feedback and Complaints
  12. Matters concerning the collection and use of behavioral information
  13. Notice of Privacy Policy
  14. Obligation to notify our privacy policy

2. 개인정보 수집 및 이용 목적 2. Scope of Collection and Use

① We will collect your personal data to provide you with a comprehensive travel booking service including air, hotel and vehicle rental to the extent that you provide consent for such collection and use. None of your personal data you provide will be used for any other purpose than what is defined below. Any changes to the scope of use will be notified to you in advance for your consent.

Category Use Scope of collection Available in:
Becoming a member
Identification to classify a user ID, password, company, branch
(Branch Office), Department, position,
Name(Korean, English), date of birth,
nationality, email, Phone Number, Gender
Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Booking support (viewing reservations, changes, confirmation, ticket printing, cancellations) Access log IP, access log ID, date of access, date and time of sign out Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Notification of booking, changes or cancellations Number (mobile phone) Email
Korea Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Sing in
(선택 동의)
SBTM((주)호텔신라 자회사) 상품 및 사은/판촉 행사 안내 신라면세점((주)호텔신라 운영) 상품 및 사은/판촉 행사 안내 Name, Phone number, e-mail Korea
Identification, Service, Handling of complaints employee number, phone Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Westesat Asia, China
Travel booking
Flight reservations, ticket printing, changes or cancellations Information collected when you sign up for the service, credit card number, expiry date, passport number, passport expiry date Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Hotel reservations, changes or cancellations Information collected when you sign up for the service, credit card number, expiry date Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Vehicle rental reservations, changes or cancellations Information collected when you sign up for the service Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
PICKUP & SENDING Reservations, changes or cancellations Information collected when you “sign up for the service” Southeast Asia
Travel booking
Accompanied flight reservation Comp Name, Name, English Name, E-mail, Gender, Birthday Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Flight mileage earning Membership info(Accumulated airline, membership number) Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Hotel or vehicle Mileage earning Membership info(Membership number) Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Room preferences Smoking or non-smoking, bed size, preference to a room located higher up in the building Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
TSA Information Known Traveler Number,
Global Entry Number
Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Visa Information Country, Type of Visa, Expiration date of Visa, Remainder of period Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Disaster alert service
(Essential consent)
frontPrivacy9.section2.sub5_0_1 Name (Korean, English), gender, passport information (passport number, issuance date, expiration date), representative contact information, representative e-mail Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Disaster alert based on user location Location data Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Group event
(Optional agreement)
Handling of civil petitions Personal Contacts, E-mails Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Accumulating air mileage Membership information (appropriate airline, membership number) Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China

② We collect your personal information when:

- You become a member through the SRS website, email, fax, phone or a written form or make a travel reservation

- You have a conversation with our customer support or leave a comment after traveling

- You allow cookies to be used during viewing or confirmation of your reservations as part of the SRS service

③ We do not collect any information on your gender, ethnic group, ideas or beliefs, religion, current or past membership in labor union or political party, political view, health, sex life or any other sensitive data that might materially infringe your privacy.

④ When we collect your personal data with your consent, we ensure that the following is clearly informed to you.

- Who is responsible for protecting your personal data and how to reach him/her

- Purpose of using and collecting your personal data and the legal basis

- Scope and type of personal data

- Who receives your personal data including third parties

- How long your personal data will be retained and how the period of retention is determined

- Your rights

- The fact that you have the right to refuse or withdraw consent

- Your right to file a complaint

- Detailed process of transferring your personal data across the border and how it will be protected

- The existence of automated decision-making including profiling, how such decision is made, how important it is, and what consequences it will entail

- Whether provision of your personal data is required by a law or any contract, what the consequences will be if you refuse to provide your personal data

3. 개인정보 보유 및 파기 3. Retention and Destruction of Personal Data

We ensure that all of your personal data collected with your consent when you "sign up for our service" or make a reservation for "travel purposes" is destroyed when you cease to be our member.

Your personal data will be isolated from others and securely retained if you have agreed to any privacy-related law applicable in the jurisdiction where you reside specifies, or a different term where your personal data should be retained.

[Provisions of Korean laws with respect to retention of personal data]

Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc

- Record on legally binding contracts or revoking of commitment: 5 years

- Record on payment or supply of goods or others: 5 years

- Consumer complaints or how they are handled: 3 years

Protection of Communications Secrets Act

- Website access log: 3 months

4. 개인정보의 제공 4. Disclosure and sharing of personal data

① If we disclose your personal data to a third party, we will inform you in advance of the following to seek your consent.

- Who will disclose your personal data

- For what purpose the party who receives your personal data uses it

- The scope of your personal data to be disclosed

- For how long the party who receives your personal data will use it

- The fact that you have the right to refuse or withdraw consent

② You might not be able to use the full service we offer if you do not agree to disclose your personal data when you make a reservation for your business travel.

③ Unless you otherwise agree or if we are required by applicable law, we will not use, or disclose to a third party, any of your personal data beyond the scope communicated to you in the Purpose of Collection and Use of your Personal Data.

④ Unless there is any risk of infringing your interest or a third party's, we may disclose your personal data if:

- We have obtained your consent;

- Any of the applicable laws permits;

- Where it is clearly deemed necessary for the urgent life, body, or property interests of the owner of information or a third party

Category Receiver Purpose of use Scope of personal data disclosed Duration of retention Available in:
Flight List(Pop-up) Booking a flight, checking whether departure is possible Name (English), gender, date of birth, contact number (mobile), email, passport number, passport expiry data, nationality, mileage number, credit card number, credit card expiry data To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea
Hotel List(Pop-up) Booking a hotel room or viewing of reservation Name (English), gender, date of birth, contact number (mobile), email, passport number, passport expiry data, nationality, mileage number, credit card number, credit card expiry date To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea
Car rental List(Pop-up) Booking a car or viewing of reservation Name (English), date of birth, gender, email, membership number To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea
GDS List(Pop-up) Book hotel/flight Name (Korean), name (English), date of birth, gender, email, credit card number, credit card expiry data, membership number, passport number, passport expiry date, passport nationality To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
List(Pop-up) or a car Name (English), date of birth, gender, email, membership number To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Aggregator List(Pop-up) Booking a flight, hotel or a car Name (Korean), name (English), date of birth, gender, email, credit card number, credit card expiry data, membership number, passport number, passport expiry date, passport nationality Destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Insurer Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Offering of service, individual identification, confirmation of policy purchase intention, handling of complaints, notice Information collected when you sign up for the service, credit card number, credit card expiry date, Passport info(Number, Date of Expiry) To be destroyed when you cease to be a member Korea
Companies, Samsung affiliates, and subsidiaries that use Knox Portal (limited to companies belonging to the provider of personal information) List (pop-up) Retrieval of information on the traveler's company and designation of his/her agent Name, Company, Department, Position, Title, Date of birth, gender, Passport info(Number, Date of Expiry) To be deleted upon opt-out Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Companies that do not use Knox Portal (limited to companies belonging to the provider of personal information) List (pop-up) Retrieval of information on the traveler's company and designation of his/her agent Name, Company, Department, Position, Title, Date of birth, gender, Passport info(Number, Date of Expiry) To be deleted upon opt-out Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
P&S Taseco Vietnam Hanoi Pickup/Sending Car Resv/Confirm Name(Korea/English), Dept, Phone, Meeting time, Hotel, Departure/Arrival Air Info, Department When the purpose of use is achived Vietnam, India
MICE Contract Hotel(Hotel requested to stay) Reservation Comp Name, Department, Position, Gender, Name(Ko/En), E-mail, Aviation Information, Check-in/Check-out Information, Hotel Name, Room Type, Request, Tr No, Credit Info, Nation, Passport(Number,ExpiryData), Birthday, food allergy When the purpose of use is achieved Korea
private transportation MOVV Booking a private transportation Name(Korea/English), company, email, Phone number To be deleted upon opt-out Korea

5. 개인정보 국외 이전 5. Transfer of personal data overseas

- We may transfer your travel information to any of our overseas business entities, if necessary, to provide you with travel management services. We are fully committed to protecting your information and ensure that it is used under our strict control in accordance with our privacy policy. - Members can refuse to transfer their personal information abroad, and refusal is possible through membership withdrawal. However, business trip management services are not available if you refuse to move abroad.

Personal data items to be transferred Receiver
(entity name, contact info for data manager)
Transferred to Transferred on Transferred via Purpose of transfer Term of retention

Name (Korean), Name(English), nationality, date of birth, address, company, department, title, gender, credit card expiry date, contact number (office), contact number (mobile), email, ID, password, credit card number, passport number, passport number
Samsung Hospitality America Inc.
USA For flight, hotel and car rental bookings SRS
Offering of travel management service Until opt-out
Samsung Hospitality U.K. Inc. /
Samsung Hospitality Europe GmbH /
Samsung Hospitality Romania S.R.L. /
Tianjin Samsung International Travel Service Co., Ltd /
Samsung Hospitality Philippines Inc. /
Samsung Hospitality Vietnam Co., Ltd. /
Samsung Hospitality India Pvt. Ltd. /

6. 개인정보 위탁 및 역외이전 6. Use of Contractors and Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data

① We use independent professional contractors to deal with personal data collected to allow for better business operations.

② We ensure that provisions stipulating the purpose of the service employed, no subcontracting, restrictions in processing of personal data, liabilities on the contractor including damages in case of violation of its obligations, technical and administrative protection of personal data and other important aspects are clearly included in the agreement with such contractors. Any replacement of the contractors listed below will be notified to you or publicly communicated by means of updated privacy policy.

Service contracted Contractor Scope of personal data Available in:
Operation and management of data center where personal data is stored Samsung SDS(Re-entrusted company: Miracom I&C), Hotel Shilla Your personal data when you "sign up for our service" or make "reservations for your business travel". Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
Visa application on your behalf My Visa Korea Name (Korean), name (English), date of birth, gender, email, company, department, contact number (office), contact number (mobile), Passport number, resident registration number, family relationship certificate, crime fact certificate Korea, America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, China
미국 비자 발급 대행 퍼스트트립 성명(한글), 성명(영문), 생년월일, 성별, 이메일, 회사명, 부서, 연락처(회사전화번호), 연락처(휴대전화번호), 여권번호, 주민등록번호, 가족관계증명서, 범죄사실증명서 대한민국, 미주, 구주, 동남아, 서남아, 중국
SRS Service Payment KICC Card No, Card Period Korea
SRS Service Payment KG Inicis Card No, Card Period Korea
SMS Send Dow Phone No Korea
CCTV Management S1 CCTV Video Korea

7. 정보주체의 권리 및 그 행사방법 7. Your Rights and How to Exercise Them

① Scope of your rights

A. Right to know how your personal data are processed

- You have the right to be informed by us of the purpose and scope of collection and use of your personal data. Therefore, we ensure that you will be informed of the purpose and scope of personal data collection and how such data will be used. We also establish and publish a privacy policy.

B. Right to refuse to give consent and withdraw given consent

- This means that you have substantial control over how your personal data can be processed. You have the right to refuse to give consent to processing your personal data and withdraw such consent after being given.

C. Right to know whether your personal data have been processed and access them

- You have the right to access your personal data provided to know how possess your personal data and how much and how they use, disclose and manage them. Such right to access also helps prevent your personal data from being collected, used or disclosed in an irresponsible manner.

D. Right to restrict processing of, correct or delete your personal data

- To prevent any damage resulting from processing of incorrect personal data, you have the right to allow any of your incomplete or incorrect personal data not to be processed, or to be corrected or deleted. You also have the right to allow us to delete your personal data when there is no more need for us to retain them - for example, we have fulfilled the purpose of processing your personal data - to avoid leakage or abuse of any of your personal data.

E. Right to have your personal data back

- You have the right to have your personal data provided to us returned in an organized and generally usable form and transfer the data to be received by another party for it to use.

② How to exercise your rights

A. You can make a request to us with respect to access to, or correction, transfer, deletion of, or restriction on processing of, your personal data that we use in the following manners:

- Visit the SRS system: Log in and click on My Page to exercise your rights as needed

- Delete information(WEB): After logging in from SRS system click on 『Service Inquiry > Membership Withdrawal』 to exercise your rights as needed

- Delete information(MOBILE): After logging in from SRS APP click on 『My > Membership Withdrawal』 to exercise your rights as needed

- Contact our personnel responsible for user privacy in writing, by phone or email

B. Upon your request, we will allow you to access your personal data under our custody within ten days.

C. We ensure that any of your personal data that you want to delete or impose restrictions on use of, will only be used during the term of use as agreed upon and will not be used or access for any other purpose.

D. You have the right to allow your personal data provided to be accessed, corrected, transferred, deleted, or only processed in a specific manner. Upon such request from you, we will take necessary measures.

E. Upon request from you to correct any of your personal data, none of such data will be used or disclosed until such correction is complete. If any of your incorrect personal data has been disclosed to a third party, a notification will be made to the party to correct it.

8. 아동에 관한 사항 8. Provisions on Children

Personal data will only be collected from you if you are a member of any of our affiliates or any of our customers. No personal data will be collected from you if you are a child as defined by the applicable law where the SRS service is offered.

9. 개인정보의 자동처리 9. Automatic Processing of Personal Data

None of your personal data will be used to evaluate your job performance or identify your financial conditions, health, preferences, interest, credibility, behavior, location or movement.

10. 개인정보보호를 위한 기술적/조직적 관리 10. Technical and Organizational Measures to Protect Personal Data

SDS's data center located in Sangam-dong, Seoul, and takes all reasonable measures to prevent any of your personal data from being lost, stolen, leaked, modified or impaired and protect the system and data from any cyber-attacks.

① SDS's data center is certified with ISO27001 (Information Security Management System) and has its activities to protect privacy inspected by a publicly credible, independent body on a regular basis.

② All your personal data is fully protected using such measures as conversion into virtual data or encryption so as to minimize any damage in the event of a breach.

③ To avoid any leakage of your personal data resulting from hacking or otherwise, professionals skilled in anti-hacking measures are available in the data center at all times. In addition, drills are conducted on a regular basis to be fully prepared for the onset of any compromise including DDoS attacks and advanced persistent threats (APT).

④ SDS's data center has dual servers - main and backup - in place to ensure that all the personal data under its custody are fully protected.

⑤ The data center grants different levels of privileges to those having access to personal data and monitors their actual access to it to minimize the possibility of leakage. The center also ensures that regular training is offered to uphold their obligations for privacy protection.

⑥ The center follows procedures for checking security by identifying any impact on personal data under their custody before the introduction of new technology requiring the use of personal data or material change to its existing system to avoid any breach.

⑦ The center applies design principles focusing on privacy such that any illegal access to, or unauthorized use or abuse of, personal data collected.

11. 개인정보의 자동수집 장치의 설치, 운영 및 거부 11. Installation and Use of Devices to Collect Personal Data and Refusal

① We use cookies or anything similar thereto to retrieve your personal data when you view the same booking information on our website. Refusal to allow cookies to be installed might result in the unavailability of some of our services including viewing of your reservation. ② You have an option to determine if you wish for cookies to be installed. By changing the settings on your web browser, you can allow or disallow cookies to be installed. * A cookie is a tiny text file sent by the server used in the operation of a website to a user's web browser. It is often saved in the user's computer. ③ How to refuse cookie installation

* Example: You can either allow all cookies to be saved, choose to be asked whether to allow them before any cookie is to be saved, or disallow any cookie to be saved by changing the settings on your web browser.

- Google Chrome (

- Internet Explorer (

- Mozilla Firefox (

- Safari (Desktop) (

- Safari (Mobile) (

- Android Browser (

12. 행태정보의 수집·이용·제공 및 거부 등에 관한 사항 12. 행태정보의 수집·이용·제공 및 거부 등에 관한 사항

회사는 온라인 맞춤형 광고 등을 위한 행태정보를 수집·이용·제공하지 않습니다.

13. 개인정보에 관한 의견수렴 및 불만처리 13. Feedback and Complaints

We have personnel responsible for protecting your privacy which also deal with your complaints with respect to your personal data provided. You can contact the personnel for anything regarding your personal data including questions, suggestions or complaints that may arise during use of our service. The personnel will provide you with a full explanation as to your issue.
A. Korea
- Chief Privacy Officer: Jun gi Kim Director
- Department: HR Group
- Contact number: +82-2-6048-8618
- Email:

You may also contact any of the following agencies for reporting or submitting questions in respect to your personal data.
- Personal Information Dispute Meditation Committee: 1833-6972 (no area code required),
- Privacy Infringement Reporting Center: 118 (no area code required),
- Department of Cyber Crime Investigation, Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 1301 (no area code required),
- Police Cyber Bureau: 182,

B. Europe
- Data Protection Officer: James Park
- Department: Samsung Hospitality UK
- Contact number: +44-1932-455-704
- Email:

You may also contact any of the following agencies for reporting or submitting questions in respect to your personal data.
Supervising Authority in Romania:
- The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing
- President: Mrs Ancu?a Gianina Opre
- B-dul Magheru 28-30
- Sector 1, BUCURE?TI
- Tel. +40 318 059 211
- Fax +40 318 059 602
- e-mail:
- Website:

Supervising Authority in UK:
- The Information Commissioner’s Office
- Water Lane, Wycliffe House
- Wilmslow - Cheshire SK9 5AF
- Tel. +44 0303 123 1113
- Fax +44 01625 524510
- e-mail:
- Website:

Supervising Authority in Germany:
- Der Bundesbeauftragte fur den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
- Graurheindorfer Str. 153
- 53117 Bonn
- Tel. +49 228 997799 0
- e-mail:
- Website:

C. China
- Chief Privacy Officer: Changkeun Oh
- Department: Samsung Hospitality China
- Contact number: 189-0212-9657
- Email:

14. 개인정보처리방침 고지의 의무 14. Notice of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will take effect on April 00, 2024, and any additions or changes to, or deletion of, anything contained in the policy resulting from any changes in governing law, government policy or security technology will be notified to you via email or published on our website.

V 1.9

Privacy Policy Effective on: July 04, 2024